Thursday, June 24 2021
anti-journal 17

2019-04-25 Thursday
Good Morning!
Yesterday shaped up to be a wonderful day. I got a ton of work done at home during the day, went for a walk with the family in the afternoon, then worked outside for the remainder of the afternoon. I managed to clean the kitchen before we went out to dinner with Alex and Cassie at echo tap. It was great catching up with them. It was just a pleasant dinner. They shared some stories from Ireland, we shared some stories from Easter, and we enjoyed some delicious pizza and beer.
Sadly we didn't have time to take Rodney to Dick's before bed. The plan was that we were going to buy some baseball stuff for him so he and I would have something to do this weekend while Marissa is at agility with the puppies. But he had fun too. Rodney was in a bad mood for the first half of it, but I think he came out of his shell with the help of pizza.
Then we got home, put Rod to bed, then I got started on prepping for kids code. Alyssa had dropped off this big case with 8 laptops, and I wanted to get each of them ready for the kids to use for learning python. It took all night, but all eight of those stupid things are running the latest version of ubuntu with a non-root python ready to go. I still need to make a lesson plan sometime today, but that's something i can probably do over lunch.
And then all that's left to do this week is Kids Code! The weeks where I do kids code are challenging, but the Friday's are fantastic. Especially heading into a nice easy weekend where all I need to do is lounge around with Rodney. I love agility weekends for that reason. As long as we're stocked up with food, Rodney and I have no problem finding stuff to do. This weekend we're thinking about walking to the Jenny St. market, which will be exciting if it worked out. I've been complaining about not having a grocery store within walking distance and totally forgot about that one. I don't know how long of a walk it is, but no matter what it will be a fun one-time (once-in-a-while?) thing to do together. Maybe we'll just get something simple, like the stuff for homemade mac n cheese. We'll probably also go to the playground if it's really nice outside. I like drinking coffee there while Rodney runs around on the playground. It's shaping up to be a great weekend. It's putting me in a good mood just writing about. Just need to get through Thursday. I think we can do that.
So let's do this! Let's do what we gotta do to make it to the weekend!
2019-05-08 Wednesday
Good Morning Journal!
Yesterday was a beautiful day outside. It felt great to skateboard and go to Portillo's with the family. Afterwards we went to Walmart to buy Rodney some new toys, since we're getting rid of some of his older ones (RIP puppy guitar you will always rock). Then after Rod to bed I basically just worked on my presentation. I think it's going to go ok, but I'm really looking forward to this damn thing being over with. But I've already aired my grievances about that, and no sense bumming myself out by rehashing it.
I don't need to think about that this morning. It's a peaceful, drizzly morning and I get to work from home today. I get to work on something fun. As a POC we're going to try to hack a new checkbox into samson that pulls data from the config service we're building. So in short, it's just wedging something into a rails website that I've never worked with, and just for fun we're going to see if we get it done by the end of the week.
What else is going on - not much honestly. Marissa and I just spent our portion of the fun money from the stocks. It felt kind of gross buying $500 worth of clothes at once, even though half of it was just replacing the underwear I've had since high school. But I guess I'll be singing a different tune when the sting wears off and all these wonderful clothes start arriving in the mail. I'm especially excited about a new windbreaker I ordered.
Marissa and I are looking for a new show to watch, so starting to mull that over. Lately we've just been watching youtube videos at night, which is a solid plan, there's a lot of good stuff on YouTube to watch.
Well I probably have to sign off early, Rodney is starting to wake up. This cold of his has got him waking up about an hour early all week. I should have dragged my ass out of bed on time, so kind of asked for that.
Oop, wait. I think he fell back asleep.
So what else is going on. We're leaving for Vancouver in a couple of weeks, and I'm really starting to get excited about it. I think I could use a vacation, and I'm looking forward to explore a new city. I'm an introvert, but I'm invigorated by travel. But who wouldn't be? Travel is an amazing luxury, and we're lucky to be able to take part in it as often as we do.
I don't have much to say this morning. I guess now that I've resigned to not talk about my presentation tomorrow, there's not much left to talk about. Prediction: on Friday morning I'm going to be in such a good mood that I'll write a thousand words.
Well, let's have a day. Let's get our work done, make some good chicken noodle soup tonight, and get a solid night of sleep!